Taipei International Convention Center
Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, 2F
Post on/ | 2019/01/17 11:Thursday
Go NAKAKOMI, Managing Director of HENNGE Taiwan
In past 2 years, number of companies migrating to the cloud was increased significantly. In the near future, instead of human researching, many sensors will gather informations and it will be automatically analyzed on the cloud. And, instead of human deciding, artificial intelligence will automatically decide actions according to those analysis. This is the world of IoT and AI which productivity will increase significantly. This enormous improvement of productivity is possible because there is cloud platform. No company can afford to create this kind of platform by themselves. Therefore, in order to survive the global business competition, I believe migration to the cloud is crucial. And, by looking at the number of migration to the cloud, I believe we are heading to the right direction. By migrating to the cloud, the work style will be changed so that more and more work will be done in cloud.
At the same time, I encountered to hear more news about breach of trade secrets (營業秘密外洩). Some employees took trade secrets when they left the company. And, the ways to take the trade secrets are by email, USB memory, cloud storage, etc. I believe, digital tools make easier to take trade secrets. For statistic, within the period from 2013.01 to 2017.12, 380 cases are investigated for breach of trade secrets. However, only 19 cases are judged as trade secrets breach. The one of major reasons why there is less cases judged as a trade secrets breach, is that the company did not have enough security measures to prevent breaches from happening. Or, could not collect enough evidences to prove there was a breach.
The migration to the cloud is crucial to survive in the global business competition. But, those digital solutions might be used for trade secrets breaches. Therefore, I believe, it is good time to review and transform security measures as a company migrate to the cloud.
If we follow the steps of ISMS(Information Security Management System) way of thinking, these will be the steps we should take.
1. List up information assets.
2. Evaluate each information assets and score its value
a. Evaluation should be done by point of view of these factors.
i. Confidentiality
ii. Availability
iii. Integrity
3. Set security measure for assets which have high value(score).
4. Execute and evaluate the effectiveness.
5. Repeat these process as PDCA of ISMS.
One of the easiest way to set security measures is to set a rule to employees. By setting rule, define which is trade secrets and define how the company will protect those. And, define what employees can not do. However, only enforcing the rule will not prevent or collect evidence of a breach. To prevent this, I believe the company would need to consider adopting solutions which can prevent or collect evidence of a breach.
Our product, HENNGE One (formally called HDE One) is the security solution for cloud which will help collecting evidence regarding use of cloud. I hope, our solution will help protecting the breach of companies trade secrets.