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The most secure, high performance, managed endpoint operating system in VDI and DaaS environment.
Business Booth Booth Number B03

The most secure, high performance, managed endpoint operating system in VDI and DaaS environment.

  • 5/4 11:00-11:30、15:30-16:00
  • 5/5 11:00-11:30、15:30-16:00
  • 5/6 11:00-11:30、15:30-16:00
Product Launch


IGEL OS is Linux-based endpoint operating system for simple, smart, and secure endpoint control and optimization. IGEL OS turns any compatible x86 device into a secure IGEL-managed endpoint. 

The major function includes the following:

1. Hardware-agnostic – runs on any compatible x86 64 bits device.

2. Built-in security – built on highly secure Linux, multi-factor authentication, smart cards, trusted execution.

3. Commitment to lockstep firmware support for Citrix, VMware, Microsoft 4x per year

4. Support for a vast array of partner technology interfaces and protocols (100+ strong and counting)

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