CYBERSEC 2021 臺灣資安大會 合作夥伴 參展商




Ericom 創立於 1993 年,全球客戶數已逾3萬,終端使用者已逾 1,000 萬人,為以色列安全存取、虛擬化及 RDP 加速解決方案之全球領導供應商,可針對大量用戶提供穩定、高擴充性之雲端運算解決方案。

2017 延伸至資安領域,推出網站檔案淨化隔離解決方案,備受各專業評估機構肯定,獲獎無數,已成為零信任遠端安全存取解決方案的領導者。


IT Implications of BYOD in the Cloud Era

Taking a close look at the modern employee reveals tremendous changes that are transforming the working environment. Mega trends such as cloud computing, mobility, bring your own device (BYOD) and cyber security are accelerating the adoption of a variety of IT technologies to address the business needs and challenges arising in today’s workplace. Today, employees work from multiple locations; the corporate office, home-office and on-the-go. They use multiple devices, and store data on many different clouds. Above all, employees expect that while they work from their comfort zone, their user experience remains natural and smooth, regardless of the conditions, device or location.

Industry research firm Forrester refers to the modern corporate personal computing environment as ‘digital workspace delivery systems,’ a blend of technologies that provides optimal user experiences for Microsoft Windows-based desktops and applications across devices, locations, and work styles. Similarly, Gartner refers to this corporate environment as a ‘Unified Workspace,’ which enables a secure delivery of the right applications, desktop and data to the right user, on the right devices, at the right time, to the right location, and in the right format. IT organizations need to keep pace and balance accessibility, productivity and security, while maintaining centralized control.

In this white paper we will review the tools needed, and the agility required by IT organizations, in light of the developments in cloud computing and corporate workspace requirements. This document will also introduce Ericom’s solutions for addressing the evolving challenges of BYOD and cloud computing.


Ericom Connect Demo

Demo of Ericom Connect for users and admins

Ericom Connect Work From Home

Ericom Connect presentation + demo: Why Ericom Connect is the right remote access solution to keep businesses running when office closures require all employees to work from home.

Ericom Connect: Fast, Simple Access for Your Employees Working from Home

For businesses that need to quickly enable work-from-home, our simple, intuitive browser-based remote access solutions can have employees up and running in under an hour, with access to business resources and their in-office desktops.


Ericom Connect Secure Remote Access 解決方案

- 不需安裝任何軟體,使用網路瀏覽器即可執行 Windows 應用程式與虛擬桌面。

- 可依實際需求擴增使用者存取權限,每個虛擬整合平台最多可同時支援 100,000 個使用者。

- 可於數小時內快速建置虛擬化應用程式與桌面。

- 單一 Web-Based 管理界面並支援多種語系,可集中化建置、管理與監控。

- 進階優化的 Access Portal 提供便捷的 HTML5 瀏覽器存取,使用者端無需安裝元件,有效降低 IT 與 Helpdesk 維護工作負荷。

- 擁有 Cluster 叢集技術與 Always-On 機制,確保營運及工作持續與流暢,減少生產力中斷之可能。

- 提供遠端連線、BYOD、HTML 5 瀏覽器之 SSL 安全加密連線。

- 支援 BYOD 行動裝置,讓應用程式和桌面傳遞至任何設備、任何地點,提昇使用者與企業組織之共同生產力。

- 支援使用者端 Windows 10、MAC OS 及 Linux 作業系統。

- 透過報表與主動效能偵測功能,可蒐集大量的 IT 維運數據,讓 IT 部門轉型為營運資料戰情中心。

- 具備極佳的 CP 值,較其他解決方案減少高達 30% 的伺服器規格需求。

Ericom Connect SRA 雲端虛擬運算整合解決方案

Ericom Connect® Secure Remote Access 雲端虛擬運算整合解決方案為企業級應用程式與虛擬桌面存取的管理創造了一個嶄新的高度與標準,可於 Web 平台發佈並整合 Windows 應用程式及虛擬桌面,且內建 Load Balance 及 Secure Gateway 功能,搭配獨家的 Ericom Blaze RDP 加速模組,可加速 RDP 連線品質高達 5~10 倍,能讓管理者輕鬆建置維護內外部雲端虛擬運算之應用。 符合有頻寬有限或兩岸三地遠端連線之應用。


Ericom Connect® 運用進階網格運算架構,可同步支援高達十萬個使用者存取連線伺服器,擁有 Cluster 叢集技術可確保不間斷作業,不僅提供了極佳的擴充性與彈性,易於導入、使用及管理,其功能強大的報告與監控工具,更可便捷有效的追蹤應用程式與使用者/系統之效能狀態及使用數據。Ericom Connect® 支持多重身份驗證 (MFA),其安全網路閘道提供 SSLVPN 加密連線,確保遠端存取時的安全性及正當性。


Ericom Connect® 可於數小時內完成部署,員工可以從任何設備上的任何瀏覽器輕鬆存取所需的虛擬桌面及伺服器。

Web Security 遠端安全存取平台



  • Web Security


  • 遠端安全存取平台