CYBERSEC 2021 臺灣資安大會 合作夥伴 參展商




Ericom 創立於 1993 年,全球客戶數已逾 3 萬,終端使用者已逾 1,000 萬人,為以色列安全存取、虛擬化及 RDP 加速解決方案之全球領導供應商,可針對大量用戶提供穩定、高擴充性之雲端運算解決方案。

2017 延伸至資安領域,推出 Ericom Shield 網站檔案淨化隔離解決方案,備受各專業評估機構肯定,獲獎無數,已成為零信任遠端安全存取解決方案的領導者。


Browsers are the Target: Protect Them with Zero Trust Browser Isolation

A fundamental shift in how we combat malware attacks on vulnerable browsers and webmail is required. One that stops the cat and mouse approach that leaves legitimate users always at risk, and instead stops all malware from entering via these vectors. You read that right – 100% of the threats from the web, stopped. We’ll introduce you to how this can be done – a technique called Browser Isolation – but let’s first better understand whysecuring web browsers can be such a challenge.

Zero Trust Browsing: Protect your organization from its own users

-Scams come and go: Human nature remains

-Phishing sites out-nimble browser safe modes

-We have met the enemy, and he is us

-Zero Trust Browsing: What you can't authenticate, isolate

-Protect users – and your business from their own errors

Locking down the vault: Keep cyberthreats away from your business

Small and medium-sized financial service organizations local banks and credit unions, brokerages, financial advisory firms, and accounting and insurance practices often earn high marks for customer service. When it comes to cybersecurity, however, it’s a challenge for smaller firms with limited staffing and security budgets to keep pace with their larger peers.

Digging outside of the sandbox: Why Browser-borne malware's too tough for the sandbox

When you think about common anti-malware security techniques, ‘sandboxing’ undoubtedly comes to mind. This technique was first applied in the early 1990s and has proven so highly effective that it is still used widely today, over twenty years later. In recent years, sandboxes with built-in analytics have been leveraged to add an extra layer of security to anti-virus, firewall and other defensive solutions, providing a safe place to “detonate” files that might carry zero-day exploits, ransomware and other threats without risking endpoints or the networks to which they’re connected.

Today, with browser-borne threats becoming an increasingly grave concern for organizational endpoints and networks, does the sandboxing approach still provide adequate protection against browser-executable malicious code? Let’s dig into the issue and see where it leads us.

Time to upgrade to Zero Trust Network Access

Businesses worldwide are facing substantially elevated security risks the unintended result of doubling down on VPNs to quickly connect suddenly remote workforces to the corporate apps and data they need. Cybercrime has surged as hackers exploit new opportunities to penetrate organizations with relative ease. In response to this increase in advanced threats, more businesses are exploring adding Zero Trust Network Access capabilities to protect their networks. In this paper, we discuss two ways to add these important safeguards: Through Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) solutions and with a new solution called Ericom Application Isolator.


Airgap Endpoints from Web-Based Attacks

Protect endpoints and enterprise networks from browser-borne threats, including malware, ransomware, drive-by downloads, malvertising and even zero-day threats, while allowing users to interact seamlessly with the websites they need.

RBI: The Ounce of Ransomware Prevention That Saves You from £££ – and $$$ – of Cure

Every day, new headlines report ever more audacious ransomware attacks, and the companies involved face hard decisions about whether to pay up or take their chances. But many of these ransomware attacks could have been prevented in the first place. Watch to learn how.

Prevent Potential Ransomware Infection, 100% of the Time

John Peterson, Chief Product Officer of Ericom Software, explains how Ericom Shield Remote Browser Isolation prevents ransomware and phishing attacks. Watch to learn how!


Ericom Shield RBI 網站檔案虛擬隔離淨化解決方案





具備 Multi-Tenant Architecture 的雲端架構與 3rd Party SWG/NGFW 整合架構。


降低使用者與管理者服務需求量,提高 IT 生產力。





佈署方式可採用雲端或在地 (premise) 架構,提供企業組織全方位的遠端虛擬隔離保護。

Ericom Shield RBI 網站檔案虛擬隔離淨化解決方案

近年屢獲大獎的 Ericom Shield 網站檔案虛擬隔離淨化解決方案以 Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) 技術,以遠端 Docker 開啟虛擬瀏覽器再利用串流方式將網站畫面回放至使用者端點設備,達到零信任的網站安全瀏覽,可確保有效防範各類的網頁攻擊。Ericom Shield 針對已知或未知的惡意程式之外,另從 Protect、Isolation 的 AirGap 概念與機制,特別對於未知的網頁進行防範滲透攻擊。

Ericom Shield 徹底解決以往僅能利用 NGFW 或 SWG 防火牆、或代理服務器建立已知黑白名單,以「偵測」瀏覽網站模式進行防禦之不足,因此種方式常遭滲透後才能被偵測發現,無法對於未知的網站有效遏止惡意滲透攻擊,如:Cross Site Scripting (XSS) 惡意代碼、Malware 惡意軟體、Phishing attacks (網路釣魚攻擊)及 Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack 中間人攻擊等。Ericom Shield 亦具備檔案內容淨化與重組 Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) 機制,可將隱藏於釣魚信件內之未知惡意 URL,或由網頁或 webmail/email 下載的文件,在到達端點設備之前,加以掃描及淨化,確保免於因下載檔案而遭受駭侵或散播病毒的攻擊。

Ericom Shield 無需安裝端末代理程式,可支援各類瀏覽器、作業系統及裝置,自訂隔離政策功能更大幅降低資訊安全管理整體成本與人力,亦具備 Multi-Tenant Architecture 的雲端架構與 3rd Party SWG/NGFW 整合架構,無需汰換已採購之ForcePoint、 McAfee、 Checkpoint、 Palo Alto、Cisco Umbrella、Fortigate 等各式 Web Gateway,即可輕鬆快速導入使用,讓企業在佈署上能更有彈性及多樣化。

RSA 2020 獲頒眾多指標性獎項:

2020 InfoSec Awards 「Anti-Malware」Most Innovative Winner

2020 InfoSec Awards 「Anti-Phishing」Publisher’s Choice Winner

2020 InfoSec Awards 「Deep Sea Phishing & Next Generation Email Security」Best Product Winner

2020 Cyber Security 「Zero Trust Security Winner」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Endpoint Security」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Cyber Threat Intelligence」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Cloud Security 」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Most Innovative Cybersecurity Company」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Fastest Growing Cybersecurity Company」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Cybersecurity Service Provider of the Year」Gold Award

2020 Cyber Security 「Best Cybersecurity Company」Silver Award

2020 Stevie Award 「Endpoint Security Management」Bronze Award

2020 SC Awards「Best UTM Security Solution」Finalist 

Zero Trust Architecture 勒索軟體防護網站隔離存取(RBI)檔案清洗(CDR)



  • Zero Trust Architecture


  • 勒索軟體防護
  • 檔案清洗(CDR)
  • 網站隔離存取(RBI)