CYBERSEC 2021 臺灣資安大會 合作夥伴 參展商




LogRhythm 為資安威脅生命週期管理 (TLM) 技術先鋒,創立於 2003 年,總部位美國科羅拉多州,逾 4 千多家客戶橫跨 6 大洲。LogRhythm 可視為具備人工智慧能力的資安監控中心 (SOC) 之重要基礎,協助客戶提升及確保實體、虛擬及雲端各類資訊環境安全的能力。

LogRhythm 已連續 8 年在 Gartner Magic Quadrant 評比為領導象限產品,並連續 4 年獲得 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice 金質獎,備受全球用戶肯定。


Best Practices for Security Monitoring During a Crisis

Maintain business continuity, secure your infrastructure, and keep your workforce connected.

Budgeting for a Modern SIEM - A Guide to Managing Financial Risk

Faced with an unpredictable cost expenditure, CISOs historically had to make tough decisions that increase the enterprise’s risk exposure.

The Complete Guide to Ransomware - What to Do When Your Data is Held Hostage

This guide shares the expert knowledge that researchers at LogRhythm have gathered about how ransomware attacks start, how they progress through an organization’s endpoints and broader network, and what you can do to prevent them — or at least shut them down — to avoid serious repercussions.

The SOC Hiring Handbook - Your Guide to Building and Retaining a Strong Security Team

In this white paper, you will learn:

The challenges of building a security team and how to address them

• Why a hiring strategy is important to combat staffing challenges and build an effective security team

• How to plan for your staff while considering staffing models, budget, and organization goals

• What key roles you need on your team and how to find and retain top talent

THE STATE OF THE SECURITY TEAM - Are Executives the Problem?

Amid a slew of statistics on how job stress is impacting security professionals, we sought to learn the causes of the tension and anxiety — as well understand potential ways teams might alleviate and remediate the potential of job burnout. LogRhythm partnered with Dimensional Research, a leading independent research firm, to conduct a global survey of more than 300 security professionals and executives. We investigated the tools those security professionals use to understand solution capabilities, deployment strategies, technology gaps, and the value of tool consolidation. In this report, we explore some of the key findings from our survey.


LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform Review: Overview, Key Features, And Pros And Cons

This video reviews the LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform.

LogRhythm Ransomware Fast Facts

Ransomware threats are growing. Catch up on the evolving ransomware threat in this quick video of eye-opening ransomware stats.

MistNet Network Detection and Response (NDR)

Securing your network against advanced persistent threats (APTs) requires greater visibility to detect and reduce your response time. As threats increase, cloud-based Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions are more important than ever. 


LogRhythm 智慧型資安情資數據即時分析平台

- AnalytiX:全方位日誌收容分析及處理

- DetectX:資安情資分析及法令遵循

- RespondX:資安事件進階協同合作、自動化與回應 (SOAR)

- NetworkXDR:網路原生攻擊偵測與回應 (NDR)

- UserXDR:使用者與實體設備行為分析 (UEBA)

- NetMon:深度網路傳輸封包收集及分析

- SysMon:深度端點活動資料收集

LogRhythm Next Gen SIEM 智慧型資安情資數據即時分析平台

LogRhythm 智慧型資安情資數據即時分析平台為獨步全球的 NextGen SIEM 領導品牌,緊密整合其原生開發之日誌管理、網路深層封包分析 (DPI)、系統端點監控 Agent、使用者與實體行為分析 (UEBA),運用人工智慧 AI 引擎與機器學習自動進行關聯性與進階分析,快速偵測已知及未知進階攻擊,其 SmartResponse™ 機制具備進階資安事件協同合作、自動化與回應 (SOAR) 能力,內建多套資安事件回應程序手冊 (Case Playbook),在面對資安事件發生時,迅速提供跨單位協同合作標準處理程序、事件調查及自動化回應之依循。LogRhythm 提供 DetectX、AnalytiX 與 RespondX 模組,並可延伸整合 NextGen NDR 模組 MistNet 採用專利邊緣運算架構進行機器學習及分析收集之網路資料。企業組織可依需求之優先順序加以選擇,模組均符合 MITRE ATT&CK 資安框架,可協助企業組織之資安事件小組有效縮短應變時間至數分鐘內,提供完整 End-to-End 威脅生命週期流程管理。

2020 年 最新得獎記錄

2020 Gartner「Magic Quadrant for SIEM」Leader

2020 Gartner「Peer InsightsCustomers' Choice」Winner

2020 SC Awards「Best SIEM Solution」Trust Award Winner

2020 InfoSec Awards「Security Information Event Management (SIEM)」Best Product Winner

2020 InfoSec Awards「User Behavior Analytics」Market Leader

2020 G2 Grid® 「 SIEM 」 Leader

2020 CRN's Security 100 「 The 20 Coolest SIEM Risk and Threat Intelligence Companies 」Winner

2020 ABA Stevie 「 Company of the Year in Computer Software」 Silver Award

Security Information Event and Management AI/ML 事件關聯式分析 (AI/ML Events Correlation Analytics)安全資訊與事件管理系統(SIEM)資安事件協同合作、自動化與回應(SOAR)



  • Security Information Event and Management


  • AI/ML 事件關聯式分析 (AI/ML Events Correlation Analytics)
  • 安全資訊與事件管理系統(SIEM)
  • 資安事件協同合作、自動化與回應(SOAR)