TeamT5 杜浦數位安全研發團隊均為經驗豐富的研究專家與頂尖駭客,從事世界領先的網路攻擊研究,專注於網路威脅分析。
團隊同時積極参與社群,成員中不乏台灣駭客年會 HITCON 創辦與志工成員和全球網路搶旗攻防戰(CTF)常勝軍,並常在世界頂尖資安會議發表最新研究成果,如美國 Black Hat 及 DEFCON、台灣 HITCON、德國 Troopers、日本 Code Blue 等。
你熱愛研究也享受生活嗎?這裡有 ACG、運動、飛鏢、嘴砲、CTF、研究等各種熱血好夥伴,若你對資安滿懷熱忱,相信自己充滿潛力,歡迎加入我們一起學習成長!
ThreatSonar 惡意威脅鑑識分析平臺 – 簡練又有效的端點威脅鑑識與獵捕 TeamT5 將威脅情資分析成果結合實務攻防經驗,落實於安全產品中,協助產業精準掌握威脅來源與擴散途徑,避免日後威脅發生可能帶來的損害。
• 優於勞基法休假
• 彈性上下班時段(滿8小時即可)
• 提供零食、飲料、咖啡、不定期下午茶
• 社團活動及運動補助、 讀書會
• 慶生會活動及生日禮金
• 健康檢查補助、團體保險
• 員工旅遊補助、尾牙活動
• Build new products and features that improve our customers' InfoSec.
• Participates in the design, development and implementation of complex applications, often using Ruby on Rails and Python
• Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization
• A demonstrated history (2+ years) of building, maintaining, and deploying production-ready Rails applications
• Experience in designing and implementing service-oriented REST APIs
• Ability to work independently as well as in a multi team agile environment
• Ability to handle multiple and simultaneous activities and priorities
• Strong understanding of JavaScript and object-oriented programming
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills, analytical and problem solving skills
• Strong knowledge of RDBMS (preferably MySQL or PostgreSQL) schema design & optimization.
• Test current products and identifying deficiencies
• Monitor automated compatibility test result among multiple OS, identify deficiencies if test fails.
• Compatibility test with major antivirus softwares
• Suggest solutions to identified product problems
• Investigate product quality in order to make improvements to achieve better customer satisfaction
• Collaborate with the Product Development team to ensure consistent project execution
• Identify quality assurance process bottleneck and suggest actions for improvement
• 2 years of experience with software QA tools and processes
• 1 years of experience with a variety of different testing techniques such as UI Testing, Automated Testing, Test Driven Development Strategies and other
• Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
• Knowledge of software security
• Reverse engineering (IDA, Ghidra, …)
• Experience in vulnerability finding or exploit development
• Programming skills (C, python, assembly …)
• Software fuzzing
• Debugging
• Analyze malicious events/samples
• Participates and maintains existing projects and tools.
• Knowledge of software and network security
• Reverse engineering (IDA, x64dbg, …)
• Programming skills (Python, C …)