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Yenting Lee is a Sr. Threat Researcher at TXOne Networks, blending a background and experience in ICS / SCADA, cyber-offensive and defensive exercises, pentest and threat hunt. Yenting has been a speaker at several cyber security conferences and classes, including FIRST Conference, ICS Cyber Security Conference USA / APAC, CYBERSEC, SECCON, PPAM India, and InfoSec Taiwan. Additionally, he also had been engaged serveral ICS vulnerability discovery and white paper writing on the topics of ICS.
Since fieldbus still accounts for a part of proportion of ICS, this makes it hardly for them to deploy Ethernet based security products. This research will be targeting Windows base HMI. The concept of research including using image process and machine learning technique, finding the relation of figures and graphs to detect system security. In addition, we will share how we build our system and demo how the system work, we also propose strategies for mitigation of cyber intrusion.