Security Operation Center 不是有了就好 ~ 從 SOC Capability Maturity Model 談起
唐雍為 /
資誠智能風險管理諮詢 執行董事
16:10 -
超越定性:FAIR 如何幫助企業定量化資訊風險
游政卿 /
合勤投資控股股份有限公司 資安長
5/9 14:00 -
Cyber Defense Matrix
臺北南港展覽二館 7F 701D
The cybersecurity environment is complex and can be confusing even to experts. The Cyber Defense Matrix is a model that simplifies this landscape, enabling us to navigate it more easily and clearly communicate our plans to others. This presentation will explain the Matrix and how it can be used to build, manage, and operate a security program. By organizing technologies, skillsets, and processes against the Matrix, we can understand the problems we need to solve, what gaps exist, and what options are available to close those gaps.
Sounil Yu /
JupiterOne CISO & Head of Research
Sounil Yu is the CISO and Head of Research at JupiterOne. He created the Cyber Defense Matrix and the DIE Triad, which are reshaping approaches to cybersecurity. He's a Board Member of the FAIR Institute; is a visiting fellow at GMU Scalia Law School's National Security Institute; guest lectures at Carnegie Mellon; and advises many startups. Sounil previously served as the CISO-in-Residence at YL Ventures and Chief Security Scientist at Bank of America. Sounil has over 20 granted patents and was recognized as one of the most influential people in security in 2020 by Security Magazine, Influencer of the Year in 2021 by SC Awards, a 2021 Top 10 CISO by Black Unicorn Awards, and for Lifetime Achievement in 2022 by the SANS Institute. He has an MS in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech and a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Economics from Duke University.
5/9 14:30 -
運用人工智慧 AI 大腦,全方位處理各式資安攻擊(外部、內部、資料外洩)
臺北南港展覽二館 7F 701D
Splunk 獨特的資料分析技術,打造專為企業設計的人工智慧 AI 大腦,使用機器學習演算法分析過去的攻擊模式,預測未來可能的攻擊風險,並提醒必要的防禦措施以降低企業損失,例如監控員工活動和資料存取紀錄來因應內部威脅,若資料存取情況突然增加或合法用戶使用敏感資料,甚至將資料大量傳送至外部時,Splunk AI 大腦將發出警示以防止潛在的資料外洩或竊取,並透過 Splunk SOAR 自動執行大多數的安全回應動作。
本議程將介紹 Splunk AI 大腦如何全方位處理全方位處理來自內部、外部的資安攻擊,並防範資料外洩。
蘇禮順 /
Splunk 台灣區資深售前工程師
蘇禮順是 Splunk 台灣區資深銷售工程師,加入 Splunk 三年多,幫助客戶在 IT 維運,資安和 DevOps 的數據分析平台上開發解決方案和提升技術能力。
他在 IT 行業擁有超過 20 年經驗,專注於網絡安全、混合和多雲、AIOps,APM、虛擬化和移動應用解決方案。為金融服務,政府部門,電信和製造業的客戶提供服務。
5/9 14:50 -
金融資安領導與事件應變聯防:以 CISO 為例
臺北南港展覽二館 7F 701D
本演講首先從金融資安長 (CISO, Chief Information Security Officer) 角度,談識人哲學、必備絕活,以落實資訊安全治理。其次,從金融業內部控制的三道防線,探討資安 / 資訊分工權衡、稽核溝通協調會議,以建構完善金融資安科技生態體系。最後,以金融法遵為本,實踐資安偵測與防護,探討數位金融科技的資安維運,以及金融資安事件的應變聯防機制。內容安排架構如下: