Oren Maguid

Vicarius / Regional VP JAPAC/ANZ

Oren Maguid is the Regional VP for APAC and MEA at Vicarius. As a strategic leader with over 20 years of experience in driving sales results through leadership on predetermined revenue targets , Oren brings significant expertise in managing and growing cross-disciplinary organizations, including Sales, Technical and Customer Success. Oren is always ‘on’ stage and communicate with confidence to influence outcomes both internally and externally. His Go Getter Initiative, Ambition and Dealing with Ambiguity inspires many industry peers.

4/15 (二) 14:45 - 15:15 7F 701D Exposure Management 論壇
vRx 從被動檢測到主動解決 AI 與社群的力量

(1) Vicarius 簡介

(2) 漏洞問題困擾我們多久了?

(3) 一站式漏洞修補平台,全流程 AI 輔助:

  • 發現:資產環境繪製、檢測未知零日漏洞、軟體依賴關係分析、網路掃描
  • 分析與情境式優先排序:多維漏洞評分系統、即時網路威脅概覽、動態漏洞風險環境
  • 修補與防護:單次或週期性自動化流程(Playbooks)、腳本驅動的漏洞修補與運行、補丁回滾機制、AI 自動修補建議、次世代虛擬補丁防護技術(Next Generation Patchless Protection)