Leonid Rozenberg

Hudson Rock / Cybercrime and Threat Intelligence Researcher, Research

Leonid Rozenberg is a Cybercrime and Threat Intelligence Researcher at Hudson Rock.

Leonid’s background includes almost a decade of experience in Cyber Threat Intelligence and Dark Web hands-on research in leading companies like IntSights (a Rapid7 company) and Check Point. Before joining forces to fight cybercrime, Leonid served as an intelligence specialist in the Israeli Defence Forces and the Israeli National Security Agency.

4/15 (二) 14:00 - 14:30 4F 4C Threat Research 論壇 Live Translation Session
The key ingredient in modern cyber attack - an Infostealer

Infostealers commit close to a perfect cybercrime tool. They sneak into the computer, grab the passwords, anything of value (like cookies that help to bypass MFA) and the victim doesn’t even know they’ve been robbed. Let’s discuss how this threat impacts any size business in any industry worldwide.