Steven Yang

Cloudflare / Senior Solutions Engineer

Steven Yang目前任職於 Cloudflare 亞太區高級銷售工程師,有超過14年技術銷售、資安諮詢、物聯網產品和IT項目管理經驗。專注於滿足企業客戶在數位轉型、雲端安全、AI發展及混合式架構規劃的資安需求,包括SASE, WAF,GenAI 和雲端安全連接等。


4/15 (二) 14:45 - 15:15 7F 701C 資安品牌日 - Cloudflare
Modernize Your Applications with AI and Advanced Security

This session targets to introduce approaches and recommendations for decision makers with projects of application modernizatin and AI adoption, for both end users and internal stakeholders. Steven will cover below 3 key areas:

  1. Reduce complexity and modernize your tech stack;
  2. Enable new applications with latest AI capability;
  3. Protect from AI related risks and attacks for your customers and internal users