Nicolas Fahier

智能資安科技股份有限公司 / 技術長


Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, Physic and Engineering Science, Superior Institute of Electronics of Paris (ISEP), 2010

MS. Degree in Communication Engineering, ISEP, 2013.

PhD Degree in Electronics Engineering, NCTU, Hsinchu Taiwan 2020




Web Services Intern Developer, PSA PEUGEOT-CITROEN, La Garenne-Colombes, France 2010 - Responsibilities: Development of an Intranet management web space for an automation and validation service.

R&D Engineer, ASSYSTEM, Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines, France 2012 Responsibilities: Conception and implementation of a connected autonomous video surveillance and security system 

R& D Part-Time Engineer, MEDKING CO., LTD, Zhubei, Taiwan, 2015-2016 Responsibilities: Development of low-power real-time wireless biomedical monitoring wearable devices using Bluetooth Low-Energy.

4/17 (四) 11:00 - 11:30 4F AIoT & Hardware Security Zone AIoT & Hardware Security Summit
如何利用動態 PUF 根信任來實現後量子 ZTA 應用

後量子時代,傳統安全機制將失效,ZTA 成為新標準。動態 PUF 提供多重信任根,結合後量子密碼(PQC)確保身份驗證與數據安全,應用於 IoT、工控、FIDO2 等領域,助企業布局未來資安。