Elliott is a PMM for TeamT5’s threat intelligence product line-up. His background is in IT, system engineering, and product marketing. With over eight years in China, including experience working for the British government in Shanghai, and for some of APAC’s largest multinational software and hardware companies in Taiwan, Elliott has a deep understanding of the geopolitical tensions in the APAC region today, and the threat actors that operate within it.
Premiere: 5/14 12:00 - 12:30
Replays: 5/14 18:00 - 18:30, 5/15 00:00 - 00:30
Localized threat intelligence is the kryptonite to threat actors, yet the majority of organizations overlook it completely. When you know who your enemy is, why not focus all your energy and resources into understanding them and staying one step ahead? Well, it’s next to impossible for most western governments to gather actionable intelligence on APAC adversaries, so companies have no chance at all.
With little to zero understanding of how the typical APAC adversary group operates, a lack of humanresources who understand the local language (and its dialects), most organizations simply give up.
However, there are companies on the front lines of the information war (that has already started) that are developing solutions and exporting them globally. In this session, we will discuss what localized intelligence is, how APAC threat intelligence teams gather and process it, and how international organizations can use it to stay one step ahead of threat actors.
Premiere: 5/15 15:20 - 15:50
Replays: 5/15 21:20 - 21:50, 5/16 03:20 - 03:50
2024 is a record-breaking year for elections around the globe, with over 60 countries home to roughly half of the world’s population set to hold national elections. On 13 January 2024, Taiwan kicked off this super-election year with its leadership elections. In this session we will discuss some of the ways external forces tried to influence these elections.