05/09 (Tue.) 15:00 - 17:00 4F 4D
How good security responding tools can help Blue team survive from security incident and tackle down threats.

Finding out the root causes of a security incident takes a lot of effort. At times when insufficient tracks and tools are available, blue team might even wish they could just resort to a fortune teller. In this course, for the audience to have a glimpse of real-world security practices, major CVEs in recent years will be presented. Participants will be instructed in using the tools commonly used by the blue team through highly realistic security incident scenarios and tools, including log analysis, network traffic investigation, etc. Event root cause analysis and track reconstruction will also be covered. And at the end of this course, you will be able to write a simple investigation report. 

Session Summary

1. Common blue team tools

2. Common hacking techniques

3. Traffic analysis skills

4. Hands-on lab (security incident investigation)

Device Requirement You Should Prepared for

1. Laptop memory:4GB(or more) RAM

2. OS: Windows 10 or higher

3. Browser: Chrome or Firefox

4. Able to connect to Wi-Fi

5. Notepad++ installation is recommended.

Skills Requirement You Should Have

With IT-related work experience and a little understanding of blue team mindset & techniques. 

Limit on the Number of Attendee


  • THEME | CyberLAB
  • LOCATION | Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2 4F undefined
  • LANGUAGE | Chinese