勤業眾信(Deloitte & Touche)幫助您管理營運面臨的數位科技風險及不確定性,憑藉著在資訊安全領域的核心競爭優勢,Gartner 已連續10 年將 Deloitte 評選為全球資安顧問服務市佔率第一的領導者。
1. 數位安全策略(Cyber Strategy)
2. 資訊基礎設施安全(Infrastructure Security)
3. 新興科技安全(Emerging Technology)
4. 雲端安全(Cloud)
5. 軟體開發安全(Application Security)
6. 身分識別安全(Identity)
7. 資料與隱私保護(Data and Privacy)
8. 數位安全偵測與應變(Detect and Respond)
資訊安全對企業而言是非常重要的,因為它是企業韌性的基礎。隨著時間的推移,企業在選擇合作廠商時,數位信任也變得越來越重要。這涉及到品牌價值,並關係到雙方能否以透明、安全的方式進行溝通。因此,企業應該秉持「零信任(Zero Trust)」的精神,建立符合「永不信任,始終驗證(Never Trust Always Verify)」標準的實踐。這種精神應該貫徹到組織的各個業務層面,從而減少網路攻擊的脆弱性,並使不同的業務部門能夠攜手合作。本次演講將首先介紹零信任的概念和核心思想,並提供有關架構建置的建議,同時也會針對數位轉型的議題分享其加值和策略,以相輔相成的方式進行。
Trust is the cornerstone of every relationship. It’s the foundation for each interaction you have with employees, vendors, supply chain partners and customers.
Whether you’re handling transactional or personal data, we can help to make sure that it’s gathered ethically, managed with integrity and properly safeguarded. From this basis of trust, we’ll see that all the ways you work, collaborate and engage with stakeholders, remain sustainable and secure as you grow.
In this digital world, your reputation begins and ends with cyber.
With cyber everywhere, it’s a shared responsibility, right across your enterprise. Our deep experience with cyber enables us to build a culture of understanding, connection, and trust with you, your organization and your wider community