立寶科技成立超過 16 年,專們代理美、歐及國內一流的網路應用及網路安全產品,如電子郵件安全防護,APT 閘道,防止端點(電腦)勒索軟體系統平台,提供雲端 EDR 服務,內、外網實體隔離的單向閘道設備,特權連線管理,https 解、加密系統,入侵偵測,叢集軟體 +GPU 系統等。具備有多年的專案經驗,歡迎系統整合商合作開發市場。你出業務我們提供技術支援共同創造多贏的市場機會及服務。
NTA 是什麼,網絡流量分析所需的核心功能,為什麼 NTA 應該成為檢測和響應策略的錨點,實施 NTA 的注意事項
Fudo 5 引入了幾個新功能,增強 Fudo PAM 的一流解決方案,並結合零信任網絡架構的關鍵元素。
惡意軟體威脅可能隱藏在加密流量中。 這就是你需要 Lynx SSL/TLS 解密器來讓 DLP/IDS/IPS 系統進行進一步分析。
Data Diodes 基本介紹
In this video we will discuss and understand what is Endpoint Detection and Response(EDR). We will see how IBM has used the ReaQta solution to implement EDR across board. We will also dive deep into the architecture of how ReaQta has been designed.
In this video we have discussed the steps to install ReaQta Agent on Windows Endpoints. We have also addressed the “Registration Failed” error faced during agent installation and how to triage and troubleshoot it following the IBM Support Document given below.
Note that for certain rpm based Linux agent installations, you must enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository before you can install dkms. Please make sure that all the pre-requisites are installed as highlighted in document above.