Forrester Research 將 KnowBe4 評為 2020 資安培訓平台的領導者。 KnowBe4 在 23 項評估標準中的 17 項中獲得了最高分,包括學習內容和導入資安培訓到企業內部中的有效方法。 KnowBe4 是世界上第一個也是最大的新興安全意識培訓和模擬網絡釣魚平台,可幫助您管控持續存在的社交工程問題。 KnowBe4 對用戶友好且直觀。它專為繁忙 IT 與 HR 專業人員而設計。我們的目標是設計出功能最強大且易於使用的平台。 不論何種規模的客戶將 KnowBe4導入企業環境的速度是我們競爭對手的兩倍。我們的客戶成功團隊讓您立即開始工作,無需諮詢時間。 KnowBe4 讓您的員工每天都能做出更明智的安全決策,成為企業中最為堅實的防火牆。
Did you know that 91% of data breaches start with a spear phishing attempt? Are you working with a provider to help train your users to spot these phishing attempts and provide overall security awareness training? You know that your employees are your organization’s last line of defense against the bad guys. KnowBe4 can help you phish and train your users to spot phishing attacks and strengthen your human firewall. Partnering with KnowBe4 means your users will be trained and remain on their toes with security top of mind.
KnowBe4 is the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform that helps you manage the ongoing problem of social engineering.
The KnowBe4 platform is user-friendly and intuitive. It was built to scale for busy IT pros that have 16 other fires to put out. Our goal was to design the most powerful, yet easy-to-use platform available.
Customers of all sizes can get the KnowBe4 platform deployed into production twice as fast as our competitors. Our Customer Success team gets you going in no time, without the need for consulting hours.
Have you been using a provider for your security awareness training needs that only offers limited features or out-dated simulated phishing and training content? When it comes to having a top-notch security awareness program, just OK is not OK.
If you find yourself as an Admin doing a lot of manual work to maintain a consistent, comprehensive program, check out KnowBe4. KnowBe4 provides the world’s largest library of security awareness training content coupled with best-in-class, fully automated phishing attacks, with thousands of templates and unlimited usage.
You already know your employees are your last line of defense against the bad guys. Out with the old and in with the new! Partnering with KnowBe4 will help you better train your users so they can remain on their toes with security top of mind.
Give us 49 seconds and discover the future of information security (and a nice sandwich, too).