TXOne Networks
TXOne Networks



  • ICS/SCADA Security
  • Network Firewall
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Endpoint Protection


  • 網路入侵防禦系統(NIPS)
  • OT 資安防禦
  • 次世代網路入侵防禦系統
  • OT 或工業級防火牆
  • 安全檢測與防護技術
  • 系統漏洞檢測
  • 端點設備防護
  • 勒索軟體防護
  • 窗口 Joy Chen 陳乃禎
  • 電話 03-578-7068 ext.5102
  • 信箱
5 月 10 日 (三) 10:40 - 11:10


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    臺北南港展覽二館 7F 701
  • TAGS
    Enterprise Security
    OT Security
    Industrial Security

The foundations of any smart factory are its data collection, data sharing, and data analysis, which are often complicated by the inclusion of assets from a wide range of manufacturers that work in a wide range of conditions and situations. Using the OT zero trust approach, inspect assets as they arrive and segment the network with all-terrain hardware to secure dataflow at the shop floor level (data in use, data in transmission, and data at rest). OT-native technology supports technicians to centrally manage cyber defense of even a vast number of legacy and modern assets running side-by-side without interrupting operations.

Streamline cyber defense procedures to prioritize patient outcomes and reduce cyber defense workload throughout healthcare facilities. Shield legacy Windows endpoints at the endpoint and network level to stop cyber attacks from disrupting patient care or compromising sensitive information. Block suspicious behavior on the network with protocol- and IP-based trust lists, and reinforce security for insecure protocols such as HL7 and DICOM.

Increase visibility, mitigate cyber risk, and prevent cyber incidents in your manufacturing, refinement, and distribution processes with the OT zero trust approach. Base cyber defense policy on protocols unique to oil & gas, including DNP3, OPC UA, and others. IoT sensors and other monitoring technologies add convenience but create more opportunities for attackers to compromise work sites. Through security inspection, network segmentation, trust listing, and asset shielding, we can mitigate cyber threats while protecting your bottom line.

Attackers want power over inverters and other devices used to generate electricity. They are looking for one open security hole on a flat network or unpatched legacy equipment to grant them free access to shut off electricity and demand a ransom. Learn more about the 4 cornerstones of OT zero trust join forces to shield power generation systems from malicious disruption.

Cyber Defense for Semiconductor Foundries: Safeguarding Digital Innovation

A cyber attack on a semiconductor fab can cause tens of millions of dollars in damages to the stakeholding organization in less than a day. The damages of disruption by malware or Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups are difficult to overstate: far-reaching effects ripple out, afflicting every downstream link in the supply chain and in essence forcing global progress to run backwards. The introduction of a new set of comprehensive standards, as well as the gear for maintaining these standards, will be what provides wafer fabs with the security necessary to create the technologies of the future.

The OT Zero Trust Guide to Compliance with the NIS Regulations

As cyber-physical systems become increasingly advanced and interdependent, they will only become more critical to the prevention of cyber disasters. Going well beyond the mere protection of personal data, these regulations reinforce the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of systems and networks.

Read The OT Zero Trust Guide to Compliance with the NIS Regulations today for insight from TXOne’s applied researchers on how to streamline compliance with the NIS regulations, reducing resource cost and overhead.

Mitigating Cyber Risks in Automotive Supply chain: An Analysis of ISO/SAE 21434 Guidelines

This publication aims to explore the impact of the automotive industry cybersecurity management guidelines and standards WP.29/R155 and ISO/SAE 21434 surrounding the automotive supply chain. This article provides security guidelines for automobile production to prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities and threats into the production process. This publication will cover the following aspects:

Cybersecurity challenges faced by automotive suppliers and manufacturers

An overview of WP.29/R155 and ISO/SAE 21434 and their significance in the automotive industry

Analysis of these regulations’ requirements and guidelines for ICS/OT cybersecurity in the automotive supply chain

Exploration of the best practices and strategies for compliance with ISO/SAE 21434

3 OT Zero Trust Defenses for SMB Manufacturing

Due to the costly nature of replacing equipment, many SMBs will opt to keep their legacy equipment despite the fact that they cannot be updated or have security patches funneled to them through the internet. In this white paper, we alert you to the dangers you might face and provide steps you can take to protect your enterprise. The key defenses are:

1. Harden endpoints before attackers can strike.

2. Use a handheld rapid scan device to cover inbound and air-gapped devices.

3. Segment the network.

Read 3 OT Zero Trust Defenses for SMB Manufacturing for more information on modern threats to SMBs and elaboration on these forms of defense.

OT Zero Trust Boosts Healthcare Cybersecurity

Medical devices are often highly specialized and costly. They need robust endpoint cyber hygiene that stops known attacks, guards against zero-day hacks, and avoids future assaults. The modern hospital requires that can handle cybersecurity issues without creating challenges that could lead to poor patient outcomes.

TXOne OT-Native All-Terrain Solutions

TXOne’s solutions meet the unique needs of diverse ICS verticals in device inspection, endpoint protection, and network defense to secure your OT workforce, workload and workplace. Our solutions are designed to deploy on levels 1 (basic control), 2 (supervisory control) and 3 (site manufacturing operations and control) of the Purdue model.

TXOne OT Zero Trust

TXOne OT Zero Trust video explains the differences why IT Zero Trust can't apply in the OT. IT Zero Trust focuses on user credentials, while OT Zero Trust focuses on asset to ensure asset security using a zero-trust approach; never trust, always verify, by offering three mainstream solutions: Network Defense, Endpoint Protection, and Security Inspection for asset lifecycle protection. The technique that uses AI to build an OT Zero Trust Platform with situation awareness is TXOne answer to OT Cybersecurity.

Portable Security Series - Security Inspection for workforce

Ensure asset integrity with rapid, installation-free asset and device scans, allowing for defense of air-gapped environments and improved supply chain security.

TXOne Edge Series - Network Defense for workplace

Minimize the impact of cyber incidents with OT-native network segmentation. Cover vulnerabilities in unpatched and legacy endpoints with asset shielding.

TXOne Stellar Series - Assets Protection for workload

Ensure the productivity of the assets by ICS adaptive endpoints cybersecurity solution for legacy and modern operation system.