In 2016, Black Kite began its journey to redefine third-party risk management (TPRM), building the world's first security ratings service designed from a hacker's perspective. With 300+ customers across the globe and counting, we're committed to improving the health and safety of the entire planet's cyber ecosystem with the industry’s most accurate and comprehensive cyber intelligence.
While other security ratings service (SRS) providers try to narrow the scope, our non-intrusive, powerful scans tell the full story. Black Kite provides the only standards-based cyber risk assessments that analyze your supply chain's
cybersecurity posture from three critical dimensions: technical, financial and compliance.
Black Kite 提供專業網路風險量化與減少風險暴露的可視性。 此平台使用與駭客相同的開放來源智慧工具及技術,完整顯示組織的網路狀態。與其他網路評級不同的是,此平台沒有任何「隱藏資訊」。每個第三方風險評估報告的建立流程皆符合國際標準且完全透明,因此所有使用者都能清楚瞭解評估結果從何而來。
Black Kite 網路風險評鑑服務簡介。
Open FAIR 模型-
Black Kite 是唯一利用OpenFAIR模型量化潛在資安風險的網路評鑑服務。
勒索軟體感染性指數(RSI)-Black Kite透過大數據及機器學習,評估企業遭受勒索軟體攻擊的可能性。
UniQuE Parser-
Black Kite 形象影片
Black Kite 平台使用者介面操作說明