Skyhigh SSE 將安全閘道 (SWG)、雲端存取安全代理 (CASB)、私人訪問 (ZTNA)、資料外洩防護 (DLP) 和遠端瀏覽器隔離 (RBI) 整合為一個平台,即 Skyhigh Cloud Platform。Skyhigh SSE 提供實時的資料和威脅防護,能夠對抗先進和雲端威脅,並在所有向量 (網頁、雲端、電子郵件和私有應用程式) 和使用者之間保護數據。
Skyhigh Security 以原生雲端安全解決方案保護組織的安全,這些解決方案既具備資料感知能力,又易於使用。其市場領先的 Security Service Edge (SSE) 投資組合超越了資料訪問,注重資料使用,使組織能夠在任何設備上和任何地點上無縫協作,而不會犧牲安全性。
Browser protection without detection
The modern paradigm of ubiquitous interconnectivity has transformed web traffic into one of the most popular delivery vehicles for today’s sophisticated cyberattacks. The high volume and complexity of these attacks has challenged the security industry to find more dynamic and intelligent methods to protect organizations against them. One of the more recent solutions from the security industry is Remote Browser Isolation (RBI). This new technology takes an entirely different approach, promising to ensure security through isolation rather than detection. RBI is becoming a common component of many web security offerings in the market. Many RBI technology startups have been acquired and integrated into mature Secure Web Gateway (SWG) solutions as an additional layer of protection. However, while RBI may be one of the industry’s most exciting new technologies, a few critical factors separate expensive, unmet potential from a true paradigm shift in webbased security.
See how powerful technologies, like Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), device posture assessment, and advanced data protection raise the bar for public and private cloud security when coupled with the most flexible policy engine on the market. Understand, control, secure, and guide users' cloud and web usage with powerful technologies built into a Security Service Edge (SSE) platform: